
Comments (27)

What do you think?

The new patch is a lot of fun, really enjoying the melee range increase and new characters. The game is really developing nicely.

im so intressted in this game (idk if im going to buy this)

Title music sounds so familiar, but yet not... Inspired by any specific song or band?

Rising Ash is pretty fun, though I have run into situations where both offers in the ashlands are the same type, like "+100 gold" and "+150 gold" which might not be intentional.

It's a very interesting concept, the style is eye catching and enemy designs pleasant and varied~

I also like the way the vertical movement of the field is broken into 'lanes', though I would suggest perhaps doing the same for horizontal movement, or otherwise to increase the player's weapon range slightly.

Another suggestion would be an ingame menu or journal where the game records the items you have found along with their effects, as I often found myself forgetting which gem/book did what.

Overall I enjoyed it and might pick up the full game at some point, and likewise hope to see it continue to improve with time~


The island of illagus, a long forgotten and mystical place with many weird and dangerous inhabitants. As an adventurer, you decide to travel here, hoping to uncover the secrets of the land (and find some treasure along the way).

On your arrival you find out that things aren't the way you expected. The entire island has been corrupted by a mysterious force that tried to corrupt you as well. This leaves you with only one choice, and that is to fight your way out!


Illagus is a pixelart roguelite action game where you fight your way through numerous different levels. In these levels you will encounter many different enemies, treasures, traps and more. Can you fight your way to the end and be victorious or will you perish like those before you?


  • 75 randomized levels to fight through

  • Multiple boss fights and challenges

  • Many different items, relics and trinkets

  • Strange rooms and enemies

  • Challenging Difficulty

  • Designed for multiple playthroughs

  • A full run from beginning to end takes about 30 minutes


Thank you for visiting this page. This is my first project and I hope that I will be able to make many more in the future. Any and all feedback is appreciated and will be taken into consideration. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on Twitter @Snowleaps .

Credit for most of the art goes to finalbossblues

#action #adventure #roguelite #roguelike #fantasy #singleplayer #pixelart #2d


Hey everyone. Today I want to share a bit more about what's coming in the next update: Updated Islands, revamped trap rooms, timed chests and behavioral changes to several enemies.


Hey everyone. The video above showcases 2 of the main features for the coming illagus update: updated caves and large rooms. Caves will be entirely optional content. Explore underground areas, both large and small with new enemies, traps, bosses and more.

Hey everyone. The next major update is coming on the 5th of March. New areas, additions to combat, large rooms and much more. More info coming soon!

The demo has been updated to version 2.2! If you are at all curious about the game and/or the latest update, make sure to download the demo and try the first 20 levels for free.

Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that the demo version will receive the full content of the latest update, since I believe that the 20 room restriction limits players enough at the moment.

The demo will receive the latest update on Wednesday.

To celebrate both the holiday season and the new update, illagus will be 50% off until January 2nd.

If you have not already bought the game, now is your chance!

Hey everyone. The 2.2 update is live now! I hope you'll enjoy the added content.

Below are some more minor changes that I either forgot or that were completed very recently.

Hey everyone. Below are the main changes that tomorrow's update will bring. I hope you are ready and excited for the new content.

As mentioned previously, the demo will receive the update at a later date, most likely on Wednesday the 23rd of December.

The next update is almost here! The new update will be available for the main game on the 19th of December, with the demo soon to follow. Stay tuned for more info & what to expect.

Hey everyone. while the update is still a couple of weeks away, I thought I'd give you a quick peek into one of the new mechanics coming and the goals with it. Read below.